Your Four Step Guide To Protect Hair From Air Pollution

 According to several studies conducted across the world, pollution has been recognised as the leading cause of hair loss. Fuel particles and dust have a significant impact on the scalp. And if you too live in an area fueled by pollution, you must've already felt its effect on your hair.

As any best hair transplant clinic in Kolkata will tell you - pollution reduces the four important hair proteins i.e. cyclin D1, CDK2, beta-catenin, and cyclin E. And once you lose these proteins they'll be very hard to come by.

So, the best solution is to save yourself from pollution and get back your lush hair!

Best Hair Transplant Clinic in Kolkata

4 Effective and Easy Steps To Protect Your Hair From Pollution

1. Cover your hair whenever you can

Kolkata's pollution can be pretty stark and obvious on most days. And if you want to avoid taking the brunt of it, just cover up your hair thoroughly.

You can use a hat or a scarf for the cover-up. Just remember to cover your entire scalp.

2. Regularly wash your hair

Make it a habit to wash your hair regularly with products that are effective against pollutants. If you take the advice of the best hair clinic in Kolkata, you'll be saved from all itchiness and dandruff.

A sulfate-free mild shampoo is the best and recommended one for a daily wash. Be sure to rehydrate your hair from mid-length to bottom using a conditioner.

3. Avoid any mechanical tools

Pollutants are already destroying your hair by inducing split ends, hair damage and brittleness. Don't add fuel to the fire by using mechanical tools like straighteners or hair dryers. They'll only ruin your hair further with no chance of recovery.

4. Get used to hair serums

If you don't want to ruin your hairstyle by covering it up with anything, just invest in some good quality hair serums. The serum will form a thin layer of protection over your scalp and keep all the minute pollutants away. It is the perfect safeguard against several types of hazardous pollutants and gases.

Get Your Thick Shiny Hair Back With Image Clinic

But sometimes it happens that no matter how much you try the damage is done and there's no saving the hair. And once the pollutants take hold of your hair, there might be no coming back.

But all is not lost! You just need help from experts at the best hair transplant clinic! Image Clinic would help you recover all your lost hair through customized transplant methods at reasonable prices. They've a team of qualified dermatologists, decades of experience and the latest tools backing them up.

Book your consultation now!


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